Sunday, July 22, 2007

The Unfriendly Cat Paradox

I’ve more or less settled into school and the Okanagan. It’s really nice living with Jay and Jenn (Roxanne’s brother and sister-in-law). Like all McLeods, they are quite friendly (it’s genetic). Their cats, Mookie, Honey and Riley, however, are somewhat less friendly. This contradicts my long held belief that all cats like me, so I am slowly trying to convert them. Although UBCO is in Kelowna, Jay and Jenn actually live in Vernon. Fortunately, they live in south Vernon, and the school is in North Kelowna, so the drive is only about 35 minutes. Plus, it is quite a stunning drive. The highway winds through the hills above the beautifully multicoloured lake Kalamalka. If you’ve been here, you probably remember that lake. No Ogopogo, though, but it’s only a matter of time, well, that and being transported to an alternate dimension where Ogopogo actually exists.

The program seems decent and the people are really nice. Coincidentally, the teacher from that class is part of the family that owns Andrews Farm, an historical farm near Lac Brome. I've joined a carpool with some of the other people from Vernon--finally, the earth is saved! We take 2 classes for 3 hours each everyday. Right now those classes are educational technology and adolescent psychology. They’re not bad. In ed-tech one of our projects is an instructional movie group project. I’ll try to throw that up when we finish; it’s pretty funny. The image above is a Photoshop poster I made for that class. I put it up because I felt like putting it up.

Happily, next Saturday is the 2-year dating anniversary for Roxanne and I. We will meet in 100 Mile for the weekend. I’m really looking forward to it. Not only because of the obvious goodness of the event, but also because I'll just have finished my first 3 exams and my projects, so I'll be ready to party, which means playing a board game and going to sleep at 9:30--EFF YEAH!

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Thursday, July 5, 2007


This is the last Korean image you will see. Korea was destroyed last week by an enormous 2-dimensional T-Rex and its squealing offspring. That dinosaur took like 4 art classes to make. I'm pretty happy with it. There are about 6 more feet of tail not pictured. Basically, I cut out the shapes and the kids did the coloring and painting. Korea was fine: I left amidst weirdness but I tied everything up and was fully paid, so that's the imp thing.

I got back up to PG on Saturday night. It was nice to see Roxanne, family and friends. We're heading south today but I haven't started packing yet, which doesn't explain why I have chosen this moment to post. Anyway, everything seems to have fallen more or less into place for the start of school. I got orange flip flops and a car. It's an '88 Camry wagon. I have named it "House" because plan D involves me sleeping in it. Also, that name will help me keep my New Year's resolution, which is to be more like House. The world needs more caustic witty sarcasm, especially Kelowna.

It turns out I did get into the SFU education program after all, off of the wait list. This I found out yesterday, which was quite a bit too late. I'm not sure which I would have accepted had I gotten into SFU earlier, but I'm quite excited about this program. It worked out for the best, despite my best efforts. If nothing else, it's nice to know that I got into all 3 of the schools I applied to (not including UVIC, where I was disqualified for not having some prerequisites); no one likes rejection, even if it is explainable. Anyway, I should really start packing and stuff. I'll leave you with some House quotes, because that's my half-baked theme:

Dr. Gregory House: Fine. I'll ask one of my other friends.
Dr. Wilson: Huh...
Dr. Gregory House: What? You're saying I've only got one friend?
Dr. Wilson: Uh... and... who...?
Dr. Gregory House: Kevin. In bookkeeping.
Dr. Wilson: Okay, well, first of all, his name's Karl...
Dr. Gregory House: I call him Kevin. It's his secret friendship club name.

Dr. Gregory House: Ah, the Socratic Method. The best way we have of teaching everything-apart from juggling chainsaws.

Dr. Cameron: Men should grow up.
Dr. Gregory House: Yeah. And dogs should stop licking their "workplace-acceptable" euphemism for testicles. It's not gonna happen.

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