I'm not sure how I stumbled across this site, but it really makes you wonder how someone would think it up. Basically, the entire purpose is for anyone who feels like it to write down their secret on a postcard, and mail it anonymously to this bloke in Maryland, who then posts them on his blog weekly. A few are funny, some are hard to believe, and a lot are just really sad. The sad ones are a strange kind of sad. It is both personal and impersonal. Personal because you are sometimes getting to see a part of a stranger which you would never have a chance to see otherwise, but it's still impersonal since they are anonymous. See for yourself . . .
I heard about this site some where in the news I think. Went to it and it is interesting.
You chose a real nice one.
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I read about this site also, and am fascinated by the artful , poignant, truths people reveal about themselves......I guess the anonimity factor helps...\xoxm.
On your poll, I would have voted to have your children, but I think that maybe you need exposure to civilized society a little longer. I do have some redeeming qualities, and you are just too cute and witty, we could have had marvelous children. Maybe we could have had Japanese children there seems to be a shortage of them.
I really don't like tacos that much, but I wouldn't want anything big and heavy dropping on you.
I guess anonymity is valued today over unconcealed candor.
Does civilized society have any biology classes?
You mean our babies? I am sure you are right, I probably am too old to have babies.
Am I to assume that I can not like your blog and want to marry you and have your babies, unless I actually can have your babies.
So as I can not actually have your babies, Japanese or not, my only choices are to wish large falling objects upon you or like tacos?
Not much fun for you or me.
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