Saturday, July 23, 2005

Last night I dreamt of a beach. It was nighttime, lit by a full moon. The beach was wide, with about thirty meters of even sand from trees to surf. A lone, thin tree stood near the middle of the beach, almost in the water. Not far across the water was another beach. Both beaches were circled on three sides by steep, lush mountains, like a tropical fjord.

There were three others on my beach, and about a dozen on the opposite beach. There was to be a contest between our two groups, as well as with other groups on beaches out of sight. No one knew the rules yet, we were waiting. I had a swelling confidence that we would win, despite having fewer members than the other teams. I felt we would be able to bond and focus better. The other teams underestimated the four of us, which was also to our advantage.

Our group was me, another guy and two girls. We were all close in age, though they were slightly younger than me. The other guy was black, from Africa. One girl was from Northern Africa, Egypt or Libya maybe, with Middle-Eastern features. He thought that sharing the same continent made the two of them familiar, and he made an innocuous gesture of good luck to her by drawing a line across her face with wet sand. She felt differently; she was insulted. She thought it was beneath her, so she brushed his arm away. The other girl was Asian, she had an orange shirt and didn’t speak. The contest was not to begin until the morning. We slept in our clothes on the beach, near the tree.

I woke-up to shouting in the early morning, it was still dark. There was a gentle rumbling and the sand was vibrating. Three horses came into view in the distance. They approached quickly, racing across the beach at breakneck speed. One bumped another, it tripped and dove violently, snapping both of its front legs. It slid right towards me and I had to jump out of the way. The girls were becoming hysterical, but their pitched screams were soon drowned-out by the deafening rumble. Seconds later a wave of horses broke across the far end of the beach. Shoulder to shoulder, thousands deep, all black or dark brown. We were too far from the jungle, so I scrambled for the lone tree. I didn’t make it before they were upon me. Luckily, there was a pocket of space between the tree and the water. I was temporarily safe in it, as the horses flowed by me on both sides, plowing into the water. I knew the tree would soon be broken to splinters, so my only chance was to swim to safety. I stumbled into the water, it was futile though, the bay was quickly filling with bodies as the horses flung themselves in one after the other. I thrust my arms through the water, a few futile strokes before I went under. I sunk, bracing myself to be struck unconscious at any second. I called out to God for forgiveness, knowing that I was going to die. Then I woke up.


Blogger DJH said...

I didn't actually have that dream last night, it was a couple of weeks ago. I wrote it down at the time though, since . . . I don't know why. It seems kind of pessimistic, just based on the plot and ending, but it felt more like . . . a vitalizing thing, when I dreamt it. Anyway, I'm totally not a despairing person at all, so I don't know where my unconscious came-up w/ something like that. Oh well, dreams never makes sense. I just wrote about it because it was pretty vivid and I liked the horses, since I rarely dream about them.

I thought about leaving out the ending, but that would have been bs, so, whatever.

Saturday, July 23, 2005 2:14:00 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's one f'd up dream all right.
i have a recurring dream about a horse and a bear (haven't actually dreamt it for over a year). all vivid'y and cr*p. horses are supposed to represent strength/hidden power something like that...
do u ever have those dreams where u can physically wake up, but then fall asleep and go back into it? those are cool too..
hope u are doin well,
your pregnant pal, mik.

Saturday, July 23, 2005 5:19:00 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was a pretty intense and powerful dream . I believe alot of things surface from our subconcious when we dream, and that this one is significant. Your picture was amazing, it is very evocative of the moonlit beach you dreamed. I know it's hard to describe the feelings that dreams give you, but it's good that you wrote it down while it was still fresh to capture the details.
What's your take on it?

Saturday, July 23, 2005 11:09:00 p.m.  
Blogger DJH said...

What happens in your dream with the bear and horse? I used to dream about bears tons, but I haven't lately, which is good, because they are supposed to represent obstacles or something.
I've never had a dream where I woke-up and then went back to sleep and returned to the same dream. Sounds neat though. Hey, does being pregnant give you weird dreams?
I am doing super well btw, and I hope you are too. You and the little guy inside of you.


Saturday, July 23, 2005 11:14:00 p.m.  
Blogger DJH said...

I don't think dreams have specific or necessary meanings. Maybe we can gleen general and sometimes helpful things from them, but it's haphazard at best. I just like to have fun with them, since they . . . picture things differently than our waking minds can. So yeah, I don't really have a take on it.

I can say that it wasn't as negative as it seems. They horses weren't evil or anything, they were just inevitable, much like my apparent death. I can't figure out how the multicultural team thing fits in, probably because it doesn't.

Saturday, July 23, 2005 11:32:00 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so u think "boy" huh - kryce is girl all the way. i haven't the foggiest (whatever that means)...
in my horse dream i am riding it down a specific road near where i grew up. the bear pulls me off the horse and (this is where there is usually a variation per dream) i either get eaten, clawed or wake up.
plus, i dreamt of bears every night for 4 months last year. ask me about when i see you next.
Bears can also represent your ancestors or passed family members.
i find it interesting to think of what it all could mean.
but, i am also of the mind that dreams are just our overactive brains amusing itself...right now it feels like i dream all night long - due to pregnancy i'm sure. they are all weird and involve driving on highways...
thanks for asking!

Monday, July 25, 2005 1:13:00 p.m.  
Blogger DJH said...

Well, I didn't actually mean 'guy' in a male sense, I just thought it sounded better than 'thing'. But now that it has been interpreted that way, I'll stick to it!

Tuesday, July 26, 2005 7:53:00 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My dreams are never that exciting. I had a dream that I was going to go to the movies, but I got there late and only saw the last half. Then I went home, and on the way I bought some petrol.

What does that say about me?

Saturday, July 30, 2005 10:04:00 p.m.  

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