Wednesday, July 6, 2005

Me, Lilly, Fluffely the cat

I've petted at least 5 different dogs in the last 4 days, all friendly. That opening sentence was supposed to explain that I have been gone since Saturday. It failed, because there are dogs everywhere. Anyway, Friday was not uneventful itself. I went to see the Canada Day fireworks at a park with Roxanne from English, her friend, brother and sister-in-law. That's the reason I had a Canadian flag tattoo on my neck all weekend, just in case anyone was wondering.

Saturday I drove home, narrowly missing a moose which was crossing the highway. Well, it wasn't slam-on-the-brakes narrow, it was more like slowdown-admire-giant-moose narrow. Having a pet moose would be great. I bet they are almost as fast as horses, plus you could store things in their antlers. Somebody sure dropped the ball when they decided horses were the ones to be domesticated. Sure, there are fewer gorings, but the antler storage! Saturday afternoon was a bust, as I missed the two people I was trying to see, but I saw Danya (Dann and Tanya) et al on Saturday night. Sitting around a campfire is an artform.

Sunday I met my childhood friend Ben Horner and his family. We were fanatical about lego back in the day, as well as GI Joes, little cars, digging in the dirt and boyishness in general. He now has a very friendly wife Christy, an adorable daughter Lilly and a round 15-monther named Silas. They stayed at our house for Sunday and Monday, which was really good. It was mostly at low speed, but we did wander about Bridge Creek for some time. We also went out into the woods East of the Heritage site, to look for unique pieces of wood, because he is a woodworker. We found a potential coatrack and part of a future table.

Kelly came back from Europe too, which is always good, mostly because she is one of the few people I can hug and punch at the same time, but also because I now have a camera again. Watch out! She's gone again already, as is her habit. She says she is planting trees up North, but we all know she is hunting wolverines.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

where did you get that super fly tee-shirt? that's what i thought!

Thursday, July 28, 2005 10:56:00 a.m.  
Blogger DJH said...

I don't get it . . . the link goes to a cat furniture website . . . which is still under construction. Is that a mistake or a joke? It's kind of funny as a joke, now that I think about it, but the whole . . . anonymous thing threw me off . . . . took it out of context . . . etc.

Sunday, August 21, 2005 9:07:00 a.m.  

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