Diana was the daughter of Jupiter and Latona, and the twin sister of Apollo. Both were born on the island Delos . . . wait a minute, that’s Diana goddess of the hunt, not Diana my mom. D’oh! Actually, no one calls her Diana, or Diane for that matter. To the world she is simply Didi!
My mom was born in Montreal not long after the advent of colour TV. Her dad was one Wally Emo, an adventurous geologist of Irish and Dutch heritage. Her mom is the generous Kyra Emo, bird watcher extraordinaire and onetime Volvo-owner. Grandma Kyra comes from French-Canadian and Russian stock. In fact, my great grandmother, who once gave me a rabbit and cheesies, was a ‘White Russian’ who buried her silver and fled the country, probably during the Russian Civil War.
Didi is the middle of 3 sisters, which automatically makes her the coolest. Her older sister is Carolyn, currently lost somewhere in Southeast Asia, but usually a resident of Victoria. Her younger sister is Gail, a resident of Laurieston Hall, Scotland. Mom also has a very successful business, which she started from scratch about 10 years ago. It’s called “Didi’s,” after Princess Di.
Being a middle child, mom likes a lot of cool things, such as: skiing, kayaking, driving a mini cooper and losing at board games. Wait, that last one isn’t cool. Anyway, we used to go skiing every Saturday from about . . . February 2nd 1990 . . . until 1997. So, she’s pretty hardcore. She was even Chairperson for Northern Alpine Zone for several years, and is presently the Alpine Director (or something like that) for next year’s BC Northern Winter Games.
Didi’s favourite animal is the flamingo. That’s why she always tries to dance like one with her flamingo dancing troupe. Their name is Flamingo Dance Team 5000! They rock! At least as much as any other Flamingo Dance Team this side of Spain.
Seriously though, my mom was and is a great mom. She always encouraged me to do different and creative things, and supported me in everything I did. Even things that probably didn’t merit support, like painting racing stripes on my dog, inventing an all-meat salad and starting that nudist colony at the bird sanctuary. I guess she realized we all have our own way, at least until the police arrive.
Oh yeah, I can’t forget. She possesses a wicked secret recipe for chocolate sauce, and is a magnificent brewer of Starbucks. We've had a tradition for a few years now which happens to be one of my favourite things in the whole world. Every Saturday morning when I’m home, we get the weekend papers, brew a big pot of Starbucks, whip-up some crêpes, and lounge about all morning, overstimulating ourselves with caffeine and the printed word. It's truly blissful. You’re welcome to join us, just stop in some morning pretending to be lost or ‘in the neighbourhood’ or whatever; we’re not picky.
Rebuttal time...
You actually got the geneology slightly reversed. My Paternal Grandmother, aka: "Nanny" was francphone, (nee: Zarah Honore Bergeron), and her husband was of Irish extraction. My paternal grandmother, (granny), was the white russian, and did indeed flee Moscow during the revolution, and they lived in a railway car for months until they could bribe an official to hook it up to a train and take them somewhere....they also had a dascha in Latvia, near Riga I believe.
The 1st pic of me was taken by Gail at the Louvre, Paris, and since our third sister was missing, we opted not to do the' 3 bathers' , (not to mention the fact that it would have been slightly indecent). The other pic was taken by Auntie CJ at the dock of our old cottage at Lake Louisa, Laurentians, Quebec.
PET PEEVE: and I know Dave only does this to irritate me, but let me educate you...
"FLAMENCO" a dance form, Flamenco, got it? noun: literally 'of the gypsies' (Andalusian)
and yes, the secret of my mothers' chocolate sauce will go with me to the grave, It's the only sway I have over my kids to make them come home and visit, that, and my wicked Starbucks'll put hair on your chest...., (David keep that in mind, you may need it someday....)
do join us any saturday.....
(alias mom)
So, I got the Dutch and French Canadian mixed-up. I think I knew that too, because Grandma's maiden name was Devries (Defries?), which is the Dutch part, right? I think I threw myself off with that story Grandma used to tell about how her dad went to Paris from Quebec in the 20s and met her mom there, with the help of a 'cigar car.' That made me think he was the French one.
God Dave, even I knew that.
Good one Matt. Btw, why does ur name link to porn?
wasn't diana the name of wonder woman? didn't wonder woman have a magic lasso? and an invisible jet?
oh, yeah, i have an "invisible jet" as well! and an "invisible" lexus, and an "invisible" alpaca.
Kryce, now you know I'm the real wonder woman, or perhaps you had already guessed....and btw, I too have many invisible friends.....
Yeah, invisible flamingo friends
I wasn't aware it linked to anything. I think are playing silly buggers.
The link associated with your name must have been co-opted by a spam program of some kind. If you flip through '' blogs at random, you will notice that about 1 in 5, or 1 in 10 is an artificially generated spam page. I guess it's something like that.
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