Shortly after I moved up here my cell phone stopped working.
Fido (my carrier) was like, "Yeah, you can get expanded coverage and it will work, for an extra 5 dollars per month." (41.99 total)
Then I was like, "pfft!"
So they were like, "Well, ok, we'll make it work for free, just don't cancel."
Then I was like, "Well, why wouldn't you do that in the firstplace?"
And they were like, "because we hate you!"
So I was like, "pfff-fff-fffft!"
So I cancelled my contract and got a landline, and it only took me 2 months! I went the VOIP route, which means I don't really have a phoneline, my calls just go through my broadband connection. This technology is only tenuously legal in Canada, as I understand it, but whatever, It's only 14.95$ per month; that's all that matters. Also, you get a neat looking adapter-box-thing. Best of all, you don't have to pay money to a stupid, abusive conglomerate such as Rogers or Telus. Unfortunately, the company I got it from (Comwave) hasn't set-up in the 250 area code yet, so they gave me a toll-free '1-866' number, which is kind of funny. I wish they had given me a '1-800' number, and then let me pick the rest, so I could have picked like: 1-800-AWESOME, or 1-800-PANCAKE, or 1-800-URPOOPY, or something really profound. Actually, maybe it's best that they didn't.
So yeah, you can call me now (1-866-840-2765), but you shouldn't because I'll just pretend that I can't speak English and that you have the wrong number. That'll show you, whoever you are!
I can't beleive you just posted a 1-866 # online...are you crazy???
OR was it just easier than emailing it to all your friends and family?
Well, judging by the amount of traffic to IP, it's mostly people I know. So I'm not too worried. Although there was this one crazy lady who called me last night . . .
looking forward to some chinese tonight
I totaly agree with your view of the telecom conglomerate. I happen to work for one of them and my job actualy is to tel you " well it will cost you 5$ more and wait to see what your reaction is before pushing "mute" on my phone, laughing big time , then un-mute and offer it to you for free. It is a very selfish thing to do and it's a bood thing I dont own the companie. Seriously Broadband phone rocks!
"Thanks for shoosing Rogers Wireless"
I ment "good thing" and not "bood thing", Je sais meme pas ce que "Bood" veut dire.
There we have it, confirmation from an industry insider that VOIP rocks. Btw, do you ever forget to press the mute button? That could be awkward.
You said you were going to answer pretending you didn't speak English so i assumed it would be chinese . So when I tried to talk to you I would get chinese .
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