Thursday, September 8, 2005

Our jaunt down south was exceptional, although you wouldn't know it from these photos. Maggie's fuelpump wasn't pumping fuel on Friday, so that delayed us a bit. We got in Friday night, said 'hi' to my dad, then went to mom's and conked out. It turned out that my parents sold that house that day, but the move won't be for a while yet. I would have thought it would be weird to stay in my childhood home for the last time, since I lived there for about 15 years, but it wasn't. It seems like time for that house to move on, in a stationary way, since it's a house. Douglas Coupland says people become boring as soon as they buy a house. I don't know if you become interesting if you sell your house, but it seems to follow.

Saturday we slept in, read newspapers, drank coffee and ate sugared food and fruit until noon. To be honest, that was the main goal of the trip. It was a field day for laziness.

I managed to locate the elusive Jessica Fukushima after lunch. She was watching DVDs at the bowling alley which she owns. That's what happens when you graduate with a psych degree. Just kidding, I think it's a terrific and enigmatic thing to do, she's going to grad school in a year or two anyway. It was nice to talk to her for a bit, since we're usually pretty hit-and-miss. Plus she turned on the disco lights in the midafternoon for some kid.

We walked by Sepa lake in the rain with my dad and an epileptic dog named Duke that he was watching for the Sukkels. The dog was pretty big (70lbs or so) and kept jumping up-and-down, as high as it could, for minutes on end. I think it was possessed.

Later we went to Dann and Tanya's and basically relaxed and let Dann embarass himself for our amusement. Well, Dann doesn't actually get embarassed, he just intentionally does things that would embarass other people, for effect. Although he was meeting Roxanne for the first time, it was no exception, nor should it have been. Anyway, he was drinking wildcat, so he can pin it on that. It should be noted that he was drinking it ironically, to prove he is not a beer snob. He's funny that way.

We went to church on Sunday. It was nice to see a bunch of people, although it was pretty empty due to the holiday. The message about Hurricane Katrina was repeatedly problematic, but nevermind. We hung-out with Kryce, Alora and Dr. Preg in the time that comes after noon (they should have a word for that). We ate fudgsicles and make jokes about cloisters. Alora (4) told Roxanne she had morning breath. That was nice though, because she doesn't usually talk to people she doesn't know, although she is becoming more talkative as she gets older. She talked to me a lot more than usual, I guess I seem more plausible with a girlfriend.

We had lunch on the way out with Dad, because he had been busy with a golf tournament all weekend. He came in 3rd or 4th in his division and won a $400 3-wood, so it was time well spent. We ate at that place that looks over that lake. It was one of those nice days with sun, and a perfect trip in general, except that a wasp pooped on my hand. Did you know that wasps poop? Well, they do.

We played air guitar, bass, drums and piano emphatically for most of the trip home, especially at stop lights when cars were beside us. I think people thought: "Hey, check-out that awesome air band!" or at least "Hey, look at those idiots!" Either way, it was fun.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What happened to the link to the Sam Blog ? Now I'll have to find iot myself . thats hard on a low level of computer literacy .

Friday, September 09, 2005 8:26:00 a.m.  
Blogger DJH said...

It's still there, it's now listed by the title of the blog, rather than the name of the author.

Friday, September 09, 2005 8:50:00 a.m.  
Blogger Samuel said...

what happen if i change the title of the blog?

Saturday, September 10, 2005 1:41:00 p.m.  
Blogger DJH said...

then I will have to change it on the list, but I probably won't, because I'm lazy.

Sunday, September 11, 2005 9:32:00 a.m.  
Blogger Samuel said...

then I wont change the name cause it would get realy to confusing... plus i like that name.

Sunday, September 11, 2005 7:29:00 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i once had a cloister that we had to lance. it oozed for a while. i guess you could say that i had cloister ooze. or perhaps you don't have to say that. say whatever yo want. just leave my cloister stories alone!

Wednesday, September 14, 2005 11:28:00 a.m.  

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