Pumpkin pie pwns.
The Least Organized Team in History was shellacked by a score of about 1 billion to 394,000 in the UNBC indoor soccer league the other night. It was a moral victory though, because we shocked the ref by actually fielding (flooring?) a full team. Another fictional victory was granted to us, by me, for not having the least creative team name possible. Our opponents were named The Lars Jessup Team, because some guy on their team is named Lars Jessup. Way to go guys! You should lose just for that. Granted, Lars was really good and scored like 5 goals without breaking a sweat, still, I mean . . . come on! Also, we squished 6 members of our team into one car, so that was fun too.
Another day this week I went to Save-On-More-Foods, and I was like, "Do you guys think you own every hyphen in the freaking universe? Because you don't! Stop being hyphen hogs!" While I was there I decided to get some food too, because I've heard you can save on it there. Guess what I found? Hamtaro Pasta for 0.39$ Also, Pokemon Pasta for 0.39$. Now I don't really know what is in those, but Hamtaros are like Japanese Animé Hamsters which probably have magical powers of some kind or at least make confusing animated facial expression for no apparent reason. Anyway, my mom always made me eat colourless foods when I was young because I was easily overstimulated (have you read my blog?), but now I can eat all the colourful animé-themed pseudofoods I want! Victory is mine.
I don't think my house is haunted anymore. I thought it was for a while, even though I don't believe in ghosts. Did I just contradict myself? No? Good. Anyway, the house is 60 years old and pretty creaky. A few times I thought I heard things moving when no one was here, and whenever I would go by the West-facing room upstairs I would get pretty intense tingling on my neck. It hasn't happened in a while now, and my official stance is that it was just my mind playing tricks, but it was still pretty creepy.
Rocks and I are hopping down to Hun City this weekend for a short period of shortness. Hun City is the new name for 100 Mile House now btw, a blog told me so. I'm not really a big thanksgiving person, but Kelly is supposed to be there, and I probably won't see her until next summer, so you better be there Kellotron! Or I'll burn your room down. Also, my mom is going to like some other country for a month, for no apparent reason, so that's another reason. Oh yeah, and then on Monday we are going to Nat and Shenelle's for a real thanksgiving dinner, for which I give thanks. Nat and Shenelle are Roxanne's brother and sister-in-law, respectively. They are pretty much the nicest people since sliced bread, and people weren't even all that nice before sliced bread anyway.
Yes! More pie. When I click the comment button it takes me to a brighter page and I see retina burn from when I was reading the post. It's all line-y and stuff. Come to FS or something if you're in 'hun city' or at least make C&M host an LXG. Hooray for abbr.!
This pie looks oh so delicious... could you please post the receipe so I can make my own or this this a secret to be kept in the the archives of Prince-George institue of Litt.
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