Wednesday, November 16, 2005

I'm happy today because I finished two of my terms papers and now I only have two more to go. And those 2 aren't due for two weeks, which is like 4 weeks from now. Yesterday I got to the library at 8:45am and left it at 10:25pm, that's like a thousand hours! Fortunately I like our library. It has rows of 17" LCDs and comfy chairs and an atmosphere of smartosity. Maybe that's why UNBC is now ranked #4 in Canada for general undergraduate studies, booyah! I love UNBC, its all new and shiny and friendly and architectury. Finishing those papers put me in such a good mood that I didn't mind that I missed the last bus and had to walk home in the snow at 10:30 at night. It's like 6km or so. It took me 1 hour and 15mins but it was cool because there was no one around so I sang the Weezer song "Beverly Hills" loudly and partially in German. "Mein auto ist eine piece of crap, Mein fashion sense ist ein little whack!"

Now I'm going to go to school and talk to people and be happy because Wednesday is like mein favourite day because I only have one class and on Wednesday nights I go to Rock's house and we watch Lost and Arrested Development! ("I've heard the jury is still out on science.")


Blogger Axel said...

Dave one day can we sit around and watch Rocky with Rock? and then We can invite chuck over and watch him sing puffy ami yumi songs...hahah that's great

Thursday, November 17, 2005 3:31:00 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah! And we can all sit on rocks when we watch Rocky. And then we'll start boxing and i'll give Dave the ol' one-two and he'll go down slow-mo style and smack his head on a rock. And that will be the end of Rock, Rocky, Rocks night. Actually, maybe it should be Rock, Rocky, Beanbag night.... but my brothers criticize me for having too much common sense.

Thursday, November 17, 2005 7:44:00 p.m.  
Blogger DJH said...

Rocko's modern life > Rocky

Thursday, November 17, 2005 9:07:00 p.m.  
Blogger Chuck said...

Yes, I concur. Then we can see heffer, and I beleive he was a big yellow cowbeast who was Rocko's friend.

Friday, November 18, 2005 12:07:00 p.m.  
Blogger DJH said...

I like cows.

Friday, November 18, 2005 4:32:00 p.m.  

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