Wednesday, December 7, 2005

Today kicked ass for all of these reasons:
1. When I woke up Mukherjee the cat was sleeping on my bed and was all purry and stuff.
2. My friend whom I haven't heard from since forever because he is travelling in India e-mailed me.
3. Roxanne! She's always a day-brightener.
4. Rock drove me to school and apparently we will be spending christmas with her brother and sister-in-law-to-be, which is cool!
5. The questions on my American Lit exam were exactly the ones I hoped would be on it, so it was easy.
6. My Am Lit teacher gave me this huge friggin' brand new book for free! She was just like, who wants this? And I was like . . . uhhhh, me? It's even stuff I like: post-WW2 American short stories. It must be worth like sixty dollars or something.
8. Rock gave me Oreos with chocolate coating which is a kind that I have never had before and I liked them because they were minty! MINTY!!!
9. Then the rest of the day was pretty normal. I napped in the library while it snowed outside. I wrote an night exam which felt OK but not as good as my morning exam. I got a paper back which is worth 40% and which took me like 5 days to write and it was an 85 which is OK I guess but I was hoping for better. I'm satisfied though because the comments made me realize it had problems so 85 was really the mark it deserved. The good news was that I got a 95 on my creative writing project which was worth 40% of my term mark.
10. Even the usually boring and cold busride/walk home was OK because Neelim (a girl from 2 of my classes) was going home at that time too and she's nice.
11. My Great Aunt Mary who is about 92 replied to a letter I sent her a few months ago. She said lots of cute old people things like: "on account of the price of gasoline" and "I wouldn't know how to use a computer." Best Wednesday during exam period ever! It's like my planets were aligned or some crap! And now cat is back on my lap and purring again. Hooray for everything!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why did you delete #7 ??? It was a super good one!!!

Thursday, December 08, 2005 11:30:00 a.m.  
Blogger Floozie said...

horray for days that kick ass!

Friday, December 09, 2005 2:31:00 a.m.  
Blogger Axel said...

Dave is it cool that I've fallen in love with you and your cookie skills? I hope so

Monday, December 12, 2005 12:42:00 a.m.  
Blogger DJH said...

that's fine.

Monday, December 12, 2005 5:59:00 p.m.  

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