Monday, January 2, 2006

I've been doing some reading for the upcoming election. What is with all the platforms that are against space-based weapons? First of all, what does that even mean? Second, I bet whatever they are they are frickin' wicked! Don't these people ever watch movies? Let me tell you, if Canada had a DeathStar the softwood lumber dispute would get solved right away! Stephen Harper, forget patrolling the arctic and increasing personnel. If you promise me a DeathStar I'll vote for you right now.

Seriously though, it's going to be an interesting election with the recent polls putting the Libs and Conservatives is a dead heat. It doesn't really matter to me since my riding will go to the Conservatives by a landslide (or a paperslide, or a ballotslide, or something). The Tories got 59% here last time. NDP was only 20 and the Libs were even less.

Last night was the second time I slept in my own bed since December 8th. That's usually a pretty good sign that the holidays have been successful, and they were. I saw lots of new and old people, including a 2 month old baby and a 3 day old baby. I watched lots of DVDs. I ate lots of food, so much that I now weigh 150lbs. That's a lot for me, so I'm happy. Maybe my dream of becoming the world Sumo champion will come true yet. I also got bunches of cool stuff from generous people. Well, it didn't come in bunches, except for the carrots, but if you add it all together it makes up a few bunches.

There was some unhappiness in the form of car and brain malfunctions, and car brain malfunctions too, it seems. Maggie the Topaz broke down again at the very end of our trip, after we reached PG and less than 10km from home. This in itself wasn't particularly unexpected or disheartening, but I was very annoyed with myself because I drove her for longer than I should have after it became clear that she had an immediate problem. I guess I was trying to milk her home, hopefully it hasn't caused further damage. The moral is: watch your temperature gauge, idiot!

Still, it was a very happy time overall. Today was only the second day I spent without Rock since December 8th. You know that things are very good when you can spend basically 3 weeks straight with a person and not get sick of her. Well, I did try to make her drink milk even though she is lactose intolerant, but that was an accident. We don't have any classes together this term, so that's sad, but c'est la vie.

School starts tomorrow. I like relaxing, and I'm quite good at it if I do say so myself, but after a while you start to get restless. So it will be good to get back at it. I think I'm going to try again this term, it seems to work. I'm taking 5 Englishes again: Renaissance Lit, Romantic Lit, First Nations Lit, PostColonial Lit 400, and Survey of English Lit 2. I might try to get into Science Fiction 400, but they wouldn't let me waitlist for it, since it conflicted with something. Anyway, yeah! Time to brush my teeth and watch hockey.


Blogger DJH said...

It's where Sidney Crosby is from.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006 8:33:00 a.m.  
Blogger Axel said...

we don't have a death star?!

Thursday, January 05, 2006 4:41:00 p.m.  
Blogger DJH said...

Not unless Newfoundland and Labrador is holding out on us.

Friday, January 06, 2006 10:36:00 p.m.  

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