Olympic happiness:
Team Canada has looked decent so far. The Czechs are having problems, which bodes well for us. Sweden looked a bit sluggish too, also good. Finland and Russia are both looking dangerous. Still too early to tell though. That Chinese figure skating pair was pretty amazing. The girl had a very painful looking crash after spinning 4 times in the air, but they restarted and won silver. Also, Norway should get a giant sportsmanship medal. One of their coaches gave a cross-country skiing pole to a Canadian skier who had broken hers. The Canadian went on to win bronze, and Norway was 4th. Nice.
Olympic sadness:
I realize it is foolish to quibble over the complex and historied rationales behind including some sports. Still, some sports seem redundant. Skeleton is cool, but seriously, isn't it just luge on your stomach instead of back? And isn't luge just bobsled with a smaller sled? I like them all, but the skillset seems to be exactly the same for all of them (well, you have to be a bit crazier for skeleton/luge). So, dividing what is essentially one sport into three just cuts the talent pool down to one third for each sport. Which just makes for poorer athletes and dilutes the value of actually winning a medal. The same goes for "parallel giant slalom" snowboarding. I love watching the halfpipe, it is one of the most exciting and unique winter spots. But "GS" snowboarding is just bastardized ski racing. If you pitted skiers against snowboarders on the same course the skiers would win easily 9 out of 10 times. It's like, hey let's give out 6 medals for going slow. Boo. Boardercross is pretty cool though, but they should make it full contact. Or at least give them those big nerf things they used to have on American Gladiators.
Wednesday's episode was cool. Hieroglyphs so spooky! What do they mean? Did Locke really stop the countdown? Ooh! I read some translations that say they probably spell out "cause to die" or "to die". Although one of the symbols never stops spinning, so it can only be guessed at. And why are there so many different symbols? What different messages could there be? Anyway, no one knows. It's intriguing though. I read a different theory that hypothesized that the hatches are nuclear bunkers and the countdown is related to shooting off nukes somehow. Hmmm. The thot plickens.
Keep in mind that the IOC is a Euro dominated organization. Sled sports are huge in Europe. 8 million people, in just Germany, will watch the luge final (if I recall the colour commentator's figure correctly).
Expect the crazy carpet edition will hit for 2014?
Hmmm. I didn't know that. Maybe the talent pool is deep enough. Although I would still say more competition is always better. I.e., even if they do have a deep enough pool to decently support a few sports, I would prefer just to see all the best go at it in one sport. But that's just me, and it doesn't matter anyway. Plus Canada got 3 medals in skeleton, so at least we are benefitting.
you're so funny Judah
I sometimes forget how much funny
and then I remember
and then I forget
and then you remind me
and then I remember
you have reminded me.
Think about swimming...many differrent methods used to get to the other side of the pool fastest....I'm surprised they haven't invented more ways to slide down that icy track...
I'd be interested in trying it in an inflatable sumo suit...then I'd get the rush...and no bruises!
Watch for Grandi in the technical events...there's still hope!
ps: have you ever noticed how many of their helmets make them look like Darth Vader? I keep expecting to hear..."Luke...I am your father"...
Me so sad. Me cry all day.
We'll see how they do against the Czechs though. All hope is not lost.
i love your site(s)! amusing and insightful. i'm linking them to mine, so that everyone that reads mine will hopefully have the pleasure of reading yours too (that'll be all of like, 3 people. anyways, hope that's ok.
Cool Denielle,
Yeah, I like ur blog too, what with all the writing that is superior and all. Although I must say I'm confused by the absence of 'a's in your name.
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