Tea is a good. Tea is a small good that is knit so tightly into everyday life that we take it for granted. Kind of like music. Wherever you go, there is someone to give tea to you. Home, Hawkins Lake, China, Buckingham palace, it's always just there. Wireless internet is good, but it's easy to imagine life without it, places without it. Tea is only a tiny thing that makes every day just a little bit better, but it's easier to appreciate because it is so fundamental and shareable. It is easier to enjoy things that you aren't afraid of losing. The quest for the best is a quest for distraction because it is nearly impossible to find a thing which you can call absolutely superior. Meanwhile you ignore what is fundamentally good about whatever you do have. Or something.
For the second time this week, my thermos leaked tea all over my backpack. I wasn't so sad about stuff being wet as i was about losing the tea. Especially today, i had made a great tea that was a mix of Jasmine, Green, Mango and Passionfruit teas with just the right amount of honey. But then my notebooks had to go and drink it all up on me.... they apparently don't know that tea is supposed to be shared.
Simple sencha green tea is incredible to me. World peace and prosperity through warm beverages. Theres a plank for a winning platform.
if you look at leah's blog, you'll notice that tea can also look good. That is a great feature for something thats already so good even without the looks
Mmmmmm . . . plank.
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