Hey! The internet still works. Take that real world! I'll have to postpone my grapefruit eating plans 'til later on this morning.
I read a .pdf poetry magazine called Norther that was made by students and staff at my school. Its contributors are: Creative Writing prof guy, library guy who has a New Order t-shirt, girl from some of my classes who was in a play that I almost went to see, and Denielle from comments! It's really good. I don't know if it's posted anywhere on the hinternet, but I can send it to you if you want (and you do).
The library has a food-for-fines exchange program. I brought in 2 cans of beans and 1 can of soup and they erased my fines. Hooray! It makes sense since fines are just to prod ppl to return their books, not to make profit. So it's nice to make it easy for ppl to pay off their fines in a way that helps others. The smallness and newness of UNBC seems to allow it to implement more commonsense things. My experience with larger schools has been that they get bogged down by bureaucratic retardation and no one really knows what's going on. Nevermind that they don't have any moose sightings.
Roxanne has an Anne of Green Gables bookmark that matches her Anne of Green Gables book, which she bought at the fictional home of Anne of Green Gables on Prince Edward Island (which is a real place). You might know I am a fan of symmetry, and it's hard to align things more than that. 3 cheers for symmetry! Actually, make it 2, that's an even number.
Recent news that proves I control and invented the internet: nytimes.com is now copying me by using the "Georgia" font, which I also invented. Seriously guys, bush league. It doesn't matter what you do. I'll never forgive you for charging 50$ dollars for "Times Select" access. I'll "Times Select" you! Wait, wait, I take it back! I love you nytimes! Forgive me. Help!
I bet you never guessed it, but i'm a fan of symetry too! I mean, what could make rereading Anne of Green Gables better than a bookmark of Anne i bought in Cavendish, PEI??? Nothing, that's what.
"Spring had come once more to Green Gables- the beautiful, capricious, reluctant Canadian spring, lingering along through April and May in a succession of sweet, fresh, chilly days, with pink sunsets and miracles of resurrection and growth"(p 160).
I just love LM Montgomery.
A lot of people don't realize that LM Montgomery's full name is Lemon Meringue Montgomery. He/She even invented a pie. Mmmm .... corn pie!
nice pic! if only there were a thick layer of refined sugar on that piecea fruit i think it would taste better.
Sugar on grapefruit
is the great Satan.
They will need to win at least 4 of their last 5 (probably all 5) to get in. In other words, they will have to be consistent, which is something they have not been all year. I blame Darcy Tucker.
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