Saturday, May 13, 2006

The last 2 nights I have had similar dreams. Both involved me going on a trip, and while I am away I come into the possession of a largish amount of money, and then the end of the dream is me trying to get that money back home. In the first dream I travelled to some island or something (this dream was less detailed), and I made acquaintances with 2 guys (father/son) who were in a mob family of some sort. When I was leaving the dad gave me some money and like winked slyly, or something. All the money was in red 100 RMB notes (like in China). I was wondering about what would happen when I carried it through customs (since I was flying), but I wasn't worried.

The dream lastnight was more vivid (btw, I slept for 12 hours, from 7 to 7, which is a very rare thing). I think the place I travelled to was the moon, some floating spherical thing anyway. It was very colourful and lit-up everywhere. Everyone was staring up into the sky, because some spaceship was in orbit, and that ship released a smaller vessel, which was also traveling in an orbital pattern. The smaller vessel was hundreds of miles away and spaceship-sized, but somehow it turned into a small stone, which everyone was looking for. Somehow I found this stone, which was like a gold nugget, except silver ("It could only be SPACE TITANIUM!" sorry, an old Godzilla line). Anyway, the nugget crumbled and broke into 3 pieces, but when I brought it to an inspection place (which was a store) they verified that it was the real one. So they gave me 15,000$ in cash, Canadian bills. My dad and my sister Kelly were there too, but didn't really do much. So I had this pouch, and all the money was in it, and I held onto it really tightly, and then I headed back to our hotel, which was in NYC, which somehow was also where we were at that point. I couldn't find a taxi, so I took a bus. Kelly and Dad had their own plans about what we should do, but I lost them somehow, which was fine, since their plans weren't very good. I got off the bus near our hotel, but I couldn't quite find the hotel. I was on this big, circular promenade, which was colourful, brightly-lit and very futuristic. It was also a mall of some sort. All of this was all pretty weird and could have been overwhelming, but it wasn't. I didn't find the hotel before I woke up, but that was fine, I felt at peace and I knew I would eventually find it without trouble.


Blogger Floozie said...

why is that dragon spittin out blue fire?

Sunday, May 14, 2006 12:08:00 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i resemble you saying kelly and i didn't have good plans . actually we had great plans , its just they had different goals than yours which of course were also good plans . so its all good just different .

Monday, May 15, 2006 10:47:00 a.m.  
Blogger DJH said...

Well, yeah, you could say that the plans were just different. The main difference being that my plans involved the money not getting stolen.

Monday, May 15, 2006 4:23:00 p.m.  

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