Yesterday I watched A Clockwork Orange at the house of one of my English professors. The class was supposed to watch it at school, but a codex was missing, so the DVD player didn't work. And no, I don't know what a codex is, only that it is something that always seems to be missing. ACO is a rare case in which the book and film are both really good, yet for different reasons. It doesn't make sense to say one is better than the other; that would be like comparing apples and ... some other fruit that is somewhat similar to an apple. Anyway, both are recommended. Horroshow cheloveck that Kubrick, eh? A funny thing I found out is that this professor--who is a 50+ year-old literature professor from Great Britain--plays World of Warcraft. He's like a level 55 priest or something, meaning he plays it a lot. How weird is that? I've always assumed that whenever a literature professor isn't teaching he is sitting at home with a glass of brandy, listening to Beethoven and watching Masterpiece Theatre (as Roxanne put it). At least he has a standard poodle named Sir Lancelot, and his minivan is named after a work of literature (1 of only 2 such vehicles I can think of).
Last week I participated in 2 psyhcological research studies. Now you might be thinking that these studies were designed to measure awesomeness, but that is not so. I was actually in them because I can earn 4% bonus on my term mark if I participate in 4 of them. Now that I think about it, this anecdote has not point and is not funny; I'm just mentioning it because I've never been in a psychological experiment before, unless you count that time I rented a gorilla suit and ran around throwing peoples' dogs into oncoming traffic. If you're wondering, the results were inconclusive.
like, green apples and non-green apples?
horrorshow kubrick is right, i'll take 2001 over ACO anyday. the only thing i liked about that film is the 9th Symphony and when it was over.
Mikara I don't want to hang out with you anymore........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................kidding.
I prefer 2001, Dr. Strangelove, and maybe Barry Lindon, to ACO. But ACO is still a good film. It is well cast and visually effective. But whatever, it's all subjective anyway.
Once me and Carey Carlson watched 2001 with the sound off and Dark Side of the Moon playing, because he had a theory that the sounds would sychronize with things in the movie. They didn't once, but that was just coincidence. Oh well.
*they did once
You're supposed to watch Alice in Wonderland while listening to Dark Side of the Moon... at least, that's what TV has taught me.
Mikara, i haven't seen Casablanca, Godfather, or On the Waterfront either, even tho they're on my List. Too bad we don't live in the same town. Next time i'm in Hun City we'll have to have a classic movie night. Is House Party 3 part of the classic group? I guess it's kinda like green apples and non-green apples.
isn't it Wizard of Oz and Dark Side that are synchronized?
start when the lion roars, yo.
Oh yeah, we watched Wizard of Oz with DSotM, and 2001 with The Wall.
(i joke, i joke..)
Ok, so i was wrong. It's The Wall with Alice in Wonderland. I'm sorry Dasha! I didn't mean to do it! Please forgive me!
rofl @ Kryce's comment
It's OK Rock, we're all wrong; nothing happens with the synchronization. At least not with the 2 that I mentioned. Unless we effed up the timing.
Had to comment on the brief mention of world of warcraft, WoW is just horrible if you have an addictive personality, but I did play with some surprising people:
Berkley sociology grad who got a got in Japan.
Jr Partner in NY lawfirm.
3 people of middle rank in the US military (one of them even played a healer, oddly enough). Was interesting to hear how that Propaganda effected them.
Producer at a competing video game company.
3 semi successful entrepreneurs (computer store, and two guys involved in site programming).
And of course more college kids looking to waste time then you can shake a stick at.
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