Oh yeah, I also spent time with humans recently. The birthday was fun to the max . I rocked the crap out of everyone at croquet. Also, I ate a hamburger AND a chicken burger: yeah! And I had a cake with a stegosaurus and a some kind of generic Allosaurus/T-Rex type dinosaur on it: double yeah! And Ben Johnson made me laugh really hard when he recited the part from The Office about Bruce Lee and enter the dragon (me and no one else). And Andrew Ferrence also made me laugh when he did the "Lazy Sunday Rap" from SNL: "Let's hit up yahoo maps to find the dopest route. I prefer mapquest! that's a good one too.googlemaps is the best! true that! double true!"
Monday, June 12, 2006
Oh yeah, I also spent time with humans recently. The birthday was fun to the max . I rocked the crap out of everyone at croquet. Also, I ate a hamburger AND a chicken burger: yeah! And I had a cake with a stegosaurus and a some kind of generic Allosaurus/T-Rex type dinosaur on it: double yeah! And Ben Johnson made me laugh really hard when he recited the part from The Office about Bruce Lee and enter the dragon (me and no one else). And Andrew Ferrence also made me laugh when he did the "Lazy Sunday Rap" from SNL: "Let's hit up yahoo maps to find the dopest route. I prefer mapquest! that's a good one too.googlemaps is the best! true that! double true!"
you look like that guy that used to paint sceneries, I forgot his name, but he had an afro, and the shows were like from the 70s or 80s..he's dead now...but you're not!!..woohoo!
Daves probably wearing the second best shirt ever in that picture....I don't even have a new one anymore
He does look like the PBS painter guy! I think his first name was Bob.
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The name is Bob Ross, thank you very much friends.
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lol- I love it! Thanks for rising from the ashes, Bob 'the Phoenix' Ross, to fill Roxanne and I in....!
He also smoked a lot of happy little trees.
you're a skunk!
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I didn't delete any of them.
I deleted three, because I'm incompotent.
Watch the white balance on that camera... it was set for indoor and all the clues that I found in this picture gives me reason to beleive that you are partying outdoors. It explain the blue cast on all of you guys skin... unless it was some strange ingredient in the cake.
Thanks for the tip, although personally I think the blue tint was caused by ghosts.
icecream cake + ripple chips are birthday party essentials.
and i actually learned some tips from bob ross, the best afroed tv painter ever.
Mmmmm . . . rippley.
Dave's blog gets so many posts so fast that I'm lost in participation by the time I get near a computer...I think that everyone except for me has a computer seperate from their normal one that they use only for post on dave's blog while it refreshes ever thirty seconds....all I have to say them is that you're jerks...
Don't feel excluded Axel, I hardly ever even bother posting due to the rapid accumulation of witty comments. That, and the fact that I don't know any of you people(except Dave, of course).
Hi Rachael!
I'm Roxanne. There, now we've met, so you know me now! You're Dave's cousin, right? Besides, i'll be meeting you in a month and a bit at Leah's wedding. By then we should be old friends. Keep up the comments!
dave is more popular than dental floss
I'm not popular; I'm "virtually popular," which means popular on the intranets, but not in real life.
Btw, hi Rachael!
Yes, Rock, she is my cousin, but more importantly she is Ra: Egyptian Sun God!
Behold my Virtual Sun-Godly powers!
It burns! It burns! Good thing I have this dish soap all over my face. Who's laughing now non-dish-soap-faced people?
you should get tested for VD-ness
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