I applied to be an English tutor at the Learning Skills Center up at the university. The person there said they don’t need anyone now but they might later, and I think she meant it. That’s a mixed victory, I guess; at least I tried to do something constructive for once, even if it didn’t pan out. Speaking of pan, I’m starting a new religion based around flute-playing mythological figures and pizza dishes. It’s called panpanpantheism.
I’m taking a film class for fun because I had an elective spot open. 3 of the movies that have stood out for their awesomeness are Crash, Syriana and Memento. I have also been forced to concede that American Beauty is, overall, not a bad movie. Related: I'm looking forward to the new Scorsese. It has Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch in it.
Beds have been getting higher in my life recently. I used to sleep on a futon, but Holly (Holly & Sukham are the owners of the house I live in) decided that a futon would be better for her back, since she’s pregnant (ETA: Oct 28!), so they traded me their bed for it. So I’ve gone from a foot of the ground to about 4 feet off the ground. Also, the McLeods bought a new bed for their guestroom (I tend to be a guest at their house pretty often), and it’s about 6 feet off the ground. If this trend continues I’m going to be that princess in the fairytale who slept on 100 mattresses and there was a pea under the one at the very bottom. I never really got that fairytale. What was the moral? “Don’t be a vegetarian?”
Walking home from school at 10:30 the other night, in the empty Pine Centre shopping mall parking lot, I came across a really big bug. I was cockroach-shaped but at least twice as big. It kind of looked like a scarab, probably, if that’s what scarabs look like. It was dragging itself along in a lopsided way with 2 big claw-like forelimbs. It was going pretty slow, so I think it was hurt. It had round greenie eyes and looked up at me as if to say: “Help, Help, how the F did I get here? I’m supposed to be in Egypt. This is so balls.” So I offered it a ride on my hand, but it just kept trying to crawl underneath it, so I went home.
If you thought this post was boring, you should check out Mattch’s real-life Harajuku adventure. It’s top drawer. Also, you could send me coffee in the mail so that I will be more animated.
Judah, I liked your post.
But I don't get the whole don't be a vegetarian think.
And you shouldn't drink too much coffee, you'll become dependant.
surrounded by brown skin
lucky lucky girl
speaking of hockey , what are you doing on fri oct 27th ? If you could get that day off and bus it to van
( i'll be coming back from Victoria and could drive you back to P.G,. on the sat . )
we could go see Ovechkin and the other capitals. I only ask here because you weren't home and e mail is more hit and miss .
Hey Dad,
I got ur msg last night, but it was late-ish. Yeah, that sounds like a cool idea! I don't see any reason why it wouldn't work.
Yes, I am unhealthily obsessed.
(Naslund, Gagne, or Zetterberg?)
(Gomez or Gaborik?)
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