"I'm not superstitious ... I'm just stitious."
Tonight we ate JennMcMuffins for night-breakfast and watched the premier of The Office. It was a wonderfully Zen-like synthetic combination, this union of an adapted mockumentary and a homemade version of a fast-food version of homemade dish. How appropriate for the day after the day after the day that saw a new record for the most sales of an entertainment product in American history. Said $170 million dollar selling product was Halo 3, the English version of the hit Spanish video game Hola 3 (“Hello! Hello! Hello!”). Living with Jay and Jenn rocks! Have I mentioned this? Jenn has good taste in decorating so they have really nice dark brown leather couches that are also very comfortable. I enjoy sitting in tasteful dark brown leather couches and playing video games on large HD TVs. Yes, I enjoy that a lot. Plus they have a killer surround-sound system, so when someone snipes me from out of nowhere in Call of Duty 4, I jump out of my seat. This happens a lot. It’s fun. Another good thing is that Jason is adept at downloading HD movies which he can play on the PS3. Oh yes, the sweetness is sweet. Last week we watched Knocked Up. Judd Apatow is so funny. Yeah, so, I don’t really have anything to say. School is surprising easy. We do a lot of gardening. Next Wednesday I will visit South Kelowna Elementary, that should be fun--hola kids! I are senior Davido! Do you know where a Taco Bell grows? Speaking of hilariously and subtly warped things, achewood is a great online comic. Oh yeah, I’m coming up North for thanksgiving, thank goodness.
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