Saturday, November 19, 2005

This is a picture of Steven Penner's new rooster. The rooster's name is Chavez, presumably after Hugo Chavez. Given Steve's political leanings this is probably meant as a weird tribute of some kind; he isn't saying Hugo Chavez is a cock. Steve built an elabourate-ish chicken coop called "Le Chateau D'oeuf" at his parents' house on the Sunshine coast a while back. Why? Why not? That's why.

My mom came back from Spain or wherever she was. I kind of thought she might just decide to live in Europe for a few years, because that would have been appropriately eccentric and fun. Eccentric in the good way mom, don't worry.

Today is municipal elections day in BC, so go vote for my dad if you live in Hun City. Or at least go to 7-11 and drink 3 red Slurpees and push over a magazine rack.

Yesterday I rocked Roxanne at the Punch Buggy game. The score was 3-0, for me. I only mention this because we play that game driving up to UNBC about 3 or 4 times a week, and I hardly ever win. Roxanne has mad VW Beetle recognition skills.

I like Ottawa Senators this season. If they were to play against Vancouver I would still wish for them to all spontaneously combust if that would help Vancouver win the game. But I still enjoy the ridiculous goodness of the Heatley-Spezza-Alfredsson line. And if they keep it up Spezza and Heatley will probably play together for Team Canada in February, which would be cool. I'd like to see them with Simon Gagne.

I am also enthused by the 2 great new rookies this year (the #1 picks from 2005 and 2004). Sidney Crosby is doing amazingly well all things considered, but I am even more impressed by Alexander Ovechkin. It's true that Crosby has more points, but Ovechkin has almost twice as many goals, and he's done that on a bad team, without the help of offensively-gifted veterans around him. Mostly I like the spectacularness of his goals, and he's 3 for 3 in shootouts this year, which is the best in the whole NHL. It will be interesting to see who wins rookie of the year, my early vote definitely goes to Ovechkin though.

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Wednesday, November 16, 2005

I'm happy today because I finished two of my terms papers and now I only have two more to go. And those 2 aren't due for two weeks, which is like 4 weeks from now. Yesterday I got to the library at 8:45am and left it at 10:25pm, that's like a thousand hours! Fortunately I like our library. It has rows of 17" LCDs and comfy chairs and an atmosphere of smartosity. Maybe that's why UNBC is now ranked #4 in Canada for general undergraduate studies, booyah! I love UNBC, its all new and shiny and friendly and architectury. Finishing those papers put me in such a good mood that I didn't mind that I missed the last bus and had to walk home in the snow at 10:30 at night. It's like 6km or so. It took me 1 hour and 15mins but it was cool because there was no one around so I sang the Weezer song "Beverly Hills" loudly and partially in German. "Mein auto ist eine piece of crap, Mein fashion sense ist ein little whack!"

Now I'm going to go to school and talk to people and be happy because Wednesday is like mein favourite day because I only have one class and on Wednesday nights I go to Rock's house and we watch Lost and Arrested Development! ("I've heard the jury is still out on science.")

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Thursday, November 3, 2005

Rocky and Sherpa were trying to be the twins from The Parent Trap for hallowe'en ("let's get together, yeah yeah yeah!"). Their wigs didn't really work out so they decided to be those twins after they had grown up and become professionals. On Saturday the 29th the three of us, along with Holly, Sukha and Ayden got costumed up and went out to some rustic homestead place (pics). There was supposed to be Hallowe'en activites and hot chocomolate, but no one was there at all. That was fine anyway, we walked around for a bit, and it was spooky enough in the twilight.

On Hallowe'en proper we hung-out with Nat and Shenelle et al. We also ate candy, won boardgames and dressed up again. Rock was an 80s girl this time, Tiffany or Cindy Lauper or Margaret Thatcher or something. My whole strategy on costume wearing is to not make one. Then whenever I get to the place where I am supposed to have a costume I draw a giant unibrow of my forehead with a magic marker or eyebrow pencil (that's like a pencil for your eyebrows, I've learned). I'm a winner.

School is going well. Apparently we're being marked this term, maybe they mark students every term. Maybe my confusion on this subject is the reason I've been in school for like 45 years. Anyway, it's working out ok. For one paper, in a class of 45, I got one of only 3 A+'s. Also, the teacher gave me a free magazine with his address on it, which greatly facilitates my stalking of him. It could also be a trap though, hmmmm.

In less fun news, some fuckheads broke into our house today. At first I thought it was the record industry stealing its music back, since I thought I lost 3 CDs, but I think I actually just left those in Rock's car. They took my camera, sigh. That's OK though, it had a good life, it travelled to 3 continents and must have taken over 1,500 pictures. They also took my cell phone, but I had no contract for it anyway, plus it was cursed, haha! The only other thing they took was my jar of nickles and pennies, good work math whizzes.

I was surprisingly not at all bothered by this event. I would have expected myself to be, never really having had anything stolen from me before. I guess I'm just at a really calm and content time in my life. I was pretty happy that they didn't take my computer, although they did take Adrian's. But even if they had, I would have just thought: "hmmm, I guess I'll be spending more time in the lab at school now." Anyway, there's not much we could have done to prevent it. Everything was locked and they had to break through two doors in the basement to get in. These things happen. The funny thing is they took my roomate's The Simple Life DVD, haha! I hope they watch it.

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